Manta Rays

While I was wandering around the hotel pretending my toe wasn't broken and playing Sugar Crush in the lovely Hawaiian evening, Ned and the kids braved a very, very wavy sea to night snorkel in search of Manta Rays. For more than an hour, they alternately hung from the ship's snorkeling rig bobbing in the chilly ocean looking out for the elusive Rays and quickly rushed into the cabin to warm up with hot cocoa.

In the end, their dedication paid off: a single, huge Ray swam around and around them, eerily lit from above. It bumped right into them in its water ballet. All my Jacques Cousteaus came back cold but elated! (I'll try to post Ned's video later--it's amazing!)

In lieu of Manta Ray pics and photos, I'll post some random photos of our lovely hotel.


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