Broken Toe

Hey, did I mention I broke my toe on the snorkeling trip? I stubbed it on the boat on a slope in the deck I hadn't seen, and it hurt like mad. But, I figured, "Don't be such a weenie. You're snorkeling in Hawaii, for God's sake! It's a stubbed toe. Suck it up.". Well, when I took off my flippers, it was clear it wasn't a stubbed toe. It was already swelling and turning an odd shade of purple.

Now, at this point, I should interject that my father believed all illnesses were in the mind, so my sister and I were raised as classic "walk it off" children. Which is just what I did--I walked it off ... over to the ship's stairs and back in for more snorkeling, across lava rocks, over black sand beaches, up to sleeping sea turtles, into lava tunnels, up to a volcano look out, and through four airports. (BTW, I also walked off sea sickness on the bumpy way to the bay--it's nature's cure-all!)

It's still really ugly--a weird palette of purple and red-black, but let's be honest, a broken toe is an annoyance; a lost vacation day in paradise is a tragedy. Thank you, dad, for raising two tough girls :)


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