See You in Hall Eh

If you're a true Comic-Con geek, you know Hall H is San Diego's ground zero. Before this year, there was no equivalent at FanExpo ... this was either remedied or ruined by the addition of Room 105. This massive space held 3000 crazed fans, and left another 3000 out in the hallway to riot for not getting in to see the back to back fandemonium that was the Walking Dead panel and Nathan Fillion one-two punch. I'll be honest, I've never seen the Walking Dead and don't care to, but when we learned that they wouldn't be clearing the room between the two Q&A's, we got right in line to see the WD. And, it was a line to behold, about 5 people wide and snaking throughout the convention center. For the record, Penn was "The Doctor Finn" (a Doctor Who/Adventure Time mashup that won great praise from fellow nerdists), and Harper was a cute Scribblenaut with My Little Pony leanings. We got in the room only to experience what is already g...