
Showing posts from January, 2016

Oh, Vienna! Your Post is Two Extra Hours Long :)

Somehow, when we peeped out our window, it seemed we woke up in Vienna on New Year's Eve when the moon from the eve of NYE was still high in the sky. Luckily, we looked down the dock and saw the sun rising to chase it away.   As we left the Baldur that morning, Boris (our activities director) advised us that he had "bad news": we'd get an extra two hours in Vienna.  How is that bad news? Well, with that announcement, we knew that the river level would not allow us to sail all the way to Budapest.  Depending upon what happened throughout the day, we'd either stay docked in Vienna or--if we were lucky--sail to Komarom and then bus in to Budapest.  Boris wanted us to get to Komarom for two reasons: 1) if we didn't, it would be a "logistical nightmare" (his words!) and 2) it's his hometown (on the Slovakian side of the river). So, we set off on the bus fully bundled for a wickedly cold day excited for two extra hours to hang in Vienna on NY...