It's Adventure Time!

We were starting Saturday on a bit of a bummer: Karen Gillan had canceled her attendance at FE, so we cancelled our attendance at the Doctor Who event. We had already seen Matt Smith at the Doctor Who Anniversary , and realized we could take that money and buy NYCB Nutcracker tix with it. (Well, really, I realized that; I'm still not sure everyone's in on that plan yet. But, give me time!) Still, when you wake up and find your Princess Bubblegum temporary tattoo has transferred itself to your hand, you know it's a sign of something ... either that, or I didn't properly wash my face Friday night and slept on my hand. Six of one; half a dozen of the other. I'm going with "sign of something," so c'mon grab your friends, we'll go to very distant lands" ... which in this case means up a couple blocks to the Convention Center. Dressed as the cutest Finn and Fiona at FE! Shepherded by the scruffy guy in the Jayne hat a...